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Travel for Women Over Fifty

Travel the World

When it comes to travel for women over fifty, many of us fall onto one of a few different categories:

  • Travel is something we love and make a priority (I’m raising my hand here!)
  • Travel is something that gets pushed down the priority list. I will do when …I have time, when the kids are grown, when college tuition is paid off, when I have enough money saved. So you might be interested, but not enough to make it a priority
  • Other of us will look longingly at all the fabulous photos posted on Facebook or Instagram and get that feeling —- you know the one—-it feels like everyone else is living a dream life, wondering the world, while I’m sitting here in my cold, dark living room
  • And then there’s the no thank you, I’m happy just where I am!

As part of living your best life, it’s important to take time to think about where you fall in this list. Because taking the trips of your dreams IS POSSIBLE – but you aren’t going to get there without some forethought and planning.

I’ll be posting about how to plan trips, sharing some dream trips (with photos and all the deets on where to stay and what to do), and tips. tricks and resources especially related to travel for women over fifty travelling this great big universe.

I’ve love to hear about your most memorable trips and especially if you’ve traveled solo or joined a women’s only trip, retreat or adventure, as I know the whole community will be interested in hearing about those!

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