A collection of some of the best gifts of the year!
Books are my favorite gifts for everyone on my list….whether they’re hard copy (my fave), readers or audio.
Now you can join the modern world with the latest tech items for you and your loved ones (including teens and young adults).
We all need to be active and get some extra care this year. Great ideas for friends, family members and yourself of course!
Have you been NICE this year? Check out Oprah’s Favorite Things and add them to your list (or buy it for yourself and put under the tree from Santa! {shhhh don’t tell anyone}
Staying on my list this year, by Sheri Salata – you’ll laugh and cry while reading this – a great gift for girlfriends and sisters.
Glennon writes with such searing truth that you’ll find yourself thinking about these essays days and months later. An important book for women of any age, including the younger generation.
Not new this year, but I read it last summer and thought it was a stand out…follow the journey of a mother and son on their incredible journey to America.
Even though I love hardback books, I listen to a book on Audible almost every day now…. it’s a great way to get to sleep. There are multiple options for gift memberships.
John Grisham is my favorite mystery writer – I have read ALL of his books. This is his latest – a great read for anyone on your list.
We all need to find ways to deal with the stresses of everyday life as well as everything 2020 has thrown at us. Jay provides specific, actionable ways to do just that.
I love reading cookbooks and of course finding favorite new recipes. What I love about Teri Turner and No Crumbs Left is almost all her recipes have a healthy bent but with loads of flavor. I saw her in person and she’s so down to earth, plus she’s a Chicagoan!
I have to admit, I was surprised by how many recipes I found in Gwyneth’s cookbooks that have become hands-down favorites in our house. I’m not into complex recipes so this cookbook fits my style.
I love every cookbook from Ina….and she has quite a few. Pretty much every recipe is approachable for the home cook and I love that. This is her latest – and I think the timing is perfect – Modern Comfort Food!
I love Amazon Prime for many reasons, but right now it’s because of all the free shipping..I’d pay so much more in shipping fees this season if i didn’t have prime.
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For yourself or your kids. I use a MacBook Pro for my business but this is a great model to get started and good for the kids at a more reasonable price.
These are likely to be on someone’s list in your family…they’re on mine! If you’re looking for airpods for work, consider the upgraded Airpods Pro but these here are good too.
Have I mentioned how much I like to read? This makes it easy to take a stack of books on a trip or to the beach. There are many options available, from $59 – $350 but this one is reasonable and comes with some accessories.
We have more than one of these, they’re great to easily move around the house when you are cleaning or for singing out loud while doing the dishes.
Alexa, I don’t know what to get my daughter, son, nephew…… The 4th generation Echo Dot is here!
Oprah’s Favorite Things
Need I say more? One for you, one for a friend or sister…then schedule a Facetime social distancing Yoga workout. Great for stretching if you’re not up for a Yoga class just yet.
This is definitely nice to have when you are ready to start your Yoga practice (you’ll learn what I mean).
This strap is great for stretching arms/back/hamstrings and is often used in Yoga classes.
I think we can all agree this is the perfect gift for just about anyone this year!
No details needed. Schedule a zoom with friends and everyone lights their candle!
Inexpensive and a great way to get introduced to Essential Oils.
Inspiration, tips and resources to live your best life after fifty!
Wishing you and your family the best Holiday Season ever, even if it is a challenging season this year……..Jen & The Flourishing Over Fifty community.